MC 2.7 building standalone

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat Feb 18 22:17:56 CST 2006

Chipp Walters wrote:
 > So, does this mean Ken cannot compile a 2.7 version of StackRunner?

It sounds like that's what it means, yes.

 > You think there would be some mention of this very substantial license
 > change somewhere else other than the license text. Perhaps there was and
 > I just missed it.
 > I hope this doesn't affect the splashscreen stack approach! All my apps
 > use it.

No, I wouldn't think so. You can still do your own standalones as 
always. You shouldn't have to change that.

I agree we need more clarification, but as I understand it, the 
limitation is on producing a generic, open-any-stack, runtime-engine 
Player that competes with RR's official Player.

To be honest, if they do the new Player correctly, other generic players 
shouldn't be necessary. The only reason for Stackrunner was to get 
around the omissions in the original.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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