MC IDE 2.7: how to create a functioning version?

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Sun Aug 27 18:32:24 CDT 2006

Klaus Major wrote:
> Hi John, hi Jaqueline,
>> John Vokey wrote:
>>> MetaCarders,
>>>   Maybe it is just me and my ageing brain, but how does one actually 
>>> get a working version of MC IDE 2.7.3?  I followed the instructions 
>>> at the web-site, but they are (for me) woefully incomplete.  I tried 
>>> adding the two MC  IDE 2.7.3 files to a copy of my functioning MC 
>>> 2.6.1 And then copying over and renaming the executable file from the 
>>> bundle contents.  That runs, but gives me only the 
>>> Metacard menu and a resourceless Home card (no buttons).  Clearly 
>>> some resources are missing.
>> This was the right way to do it. It sounds like the engine can't find 
>> the mctools stack. All the missing resources you mention are stored in 
>> there. Make sure that file is named right and in the same folder with 
>> the app.
> problem is, you need to add a little handler to the "home" stack of MC
> to make it run with the Rev 2.7.x engine.
> ...
> if the version >= "2.7" then
>     start using stack ""
>     open stack ""
>     set the defaultStack to "home"
>     reset cursors
>   end if
> ...
> But:
> 1. You can do this only with a PRE 2.7.x version of the engine!
> 2. In that case you need a license because adding this little handler
> will exceed the "script limits" so yu cannot close and save the script!
> A vicious circle! I have no idea on how to solve this one...

Yes, difficult to do.  One way would be to rename Home to something 
else, then make a script to set the name back when you're done.

I've just made the mods to my own Home stack, and have never touched the 
one that shipped with MCv2.5.

All of this points to a solution like FlipsIDE, where you can drop into 
MC from Rev with one click, no need to modify the app or anything else.

But FlipsIDE is a drag in that it first launches Rev -- why bother with 
Rev's initialization if all you're going to do is purge it and use MC?

For this reason I started working on DarsIDE, a plugin which would do 
the following:

- Download MC to your hard drive
- Copy the Rev app, modifying it as needed
- Launch the new installation
- Quit

That way, in one click you'd get the latest of everything, set up and 
ready to go with no fuss.

Ah, but time has been my enemy.  If DarksIDE seems useful let me know 
and the moral support may help me reprioritize it....

  Richard Gaskin
  Managing Editor, revJournal
  Rev tips, tutorials and more:

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