MC IDE 2.7: how to create a functioning version?

Klaus Major klaus at
Sun Aug 27 03:39:27 CDT 2006

Hi John, hi Jaqueline,

> John Vokey wrote:
>> MetaCarders,
>>   Maybe it is just me and my ageing brain, but how does one  
>> actually get a working version of MC IDE 2.7.3?  I followed the  
>> instructions at the web-site, but they are (for me) woefully  
>> incomplete.  I tried adding the two MC  IDE 2.7.3 files to a copy  
>> of my functioning MC 2.6.1 And then copying over and renaming the  
>> executable file from the bundle contents.  That  
>> runs, but gives me only the Metacard menu and a resourceless Home  
>> card (no buttons).  Clearly some resources are missing.
> This was the right way to do it. It sounds like the engine can't  
> find the mctools stack. All the missing resources you mention are  
> stored in there. Make sure that file is named right and in the same  
> folder with the app.

problem is, you need to add a little handler to the "home" stack of MC
to make it run with the Rev 2.7.x engine.

if the version >= "2.7" then
     start using stack ""
     open stack ""
     set the defaultStack to "home"
     reset cursors
   end if

1. You can do this only with a PRE 2.7.x version of the engine!

2. In that case you need a license because adding this little handler
will exceed the "script limits" so yu cannot close and save the script!

A vicious circle! I have no idea on how to solve this one...

I am sure we are not allowed to share our licensed "home" stack.
Any hints are very welcome!

> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
> HyperActive Software           |


Klaus Major
klaus at

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