Direct link to Paypal

Shari shari at
Sun Aug 20 16:36:14 CDT 2006

Before I start reading all of your CGI responses, I want to THANK YOU 
for the info on creating a direct link to Paypal from within the game.

This will solve one tech support issue that plagues me:

In order to receive a regCode you must send me the gameCode that the 
game itself generates.  Most folks send it without a hitch when they 
order.  Some folks mess it up and send me a type, creating several 
extra emails back and forth.  Some folks don't send it at all, 
sending emails back and forth.

I've set it up for the game to automatically send the gameCode during 
the order process if they choose Paypal.  This should cut down on a 
few emails :-)

Thank YOU!

Mac and Windows shareware games

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