Rev licensing

Alain Farmer alain_farmer at
Mon Feb 20 20:43:34 CST 2006

Some comments about your comments about :

>> Naturally, we are trying to 'hide' the xCard
>> origins of our custom solutions when releasing
>> wares. Solutions crafted with C++, for example,
>> don't advert the tools that they were edited
>> and compiled with!

> I see nothing "natural" about choosing a tool
> and then being ashamed of your own choice.

I will deal with this at more length in my next reply.
Suffice to say for now that I am not "ashamed" of MC,
albeit there is *some* truth to this ; I don't openly
proclaim MetaCard when creating CUSTOM solutions for
my customers. It's a branding issue and much more too.

> Not only that, but it seems to me that if
> we are to encourage widespread usage ...

This is a steep uphill battle that I am not currently
engaged in. One some level(s) I am, given my goal to
create a [web-based] xCard (XulCard and/or FreeCard),
but not in the short-term and definitely not for Rev
(or ANY proprietary ware for that matter).

> ... and, therefore, success of our favorite
> development tool, we'd *want* to advertise.

My customers are not developers, nor are they likely
to ever become developpers. From a business point of
view, you could say that I don't want them to become
developers! I'm not this overly-concerned about this,
however, because my customers need *far* more from me
than they could ever learn to do themselves. Not coz
I'm so much brighter; mainly because they don't have
the time, the skills, the experience, etc ... that I
have. And I'm not just about software; arguably this
is secondary to what I do. :-)

My customers don't want to know what I've used. In the
worst-case, they don't want to be bothered yet insist
on some particular tools because they have heard & so
on that these tools are the ones that serious outfits
are using. PHP versus MetaCard comes to mind; at least
to mine because the school commission I developed a 5
stack MetaCard solution for, in 2004, switched over to
PHP for no better reason than "PHP is known to us ; we
are not familiar with MetaCard & we don't know anybody
who uses it". Btw my solution was flawless and greatly
appreciated by all; except the poor saps who actually
made the decision to switch to PHP.

I definitely don't want to flash an advertisement of
Rev because it will confuse them. I would be willing
(if ever I upgrade to Rev) to include Rev's copyright
notice in *MY* splash-screen; and I would definitely
include them in the About, and other docs too; what's
contentious is using Rev's splash & player instead of
my own CUSTOM one .. with graphics and such that are
relevant to my company and my customers.

> Jacqueline Landman Gay

Regards Jacque,


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