Rev licensing

Shari shari at
Sun Feb 19 21:39:49 CST 2006

>They should look identical. It's the same engine. If you decide you 
>don't want to use Rev's interface you can continue to stick with the 

I already know I'd stick with the MC IDE.  I actually tried Rev and 
MC both before originally purchasing MC way back when.  Rev took up 
too much view space with all the stacks cluttering up my screen, and 
it crashed every five minutes.  I'm sure they've improved it since 
then.  MC did not crash.  So presumably it was the IDE that caused 
such a ruckus.  I am used to the MC IDE and appreciate the 
cleanliness of it.  All I want on my screen is the project I am 
working on :-)

Mac and Windows shareware games

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