MC 2.7

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Feb 15 21:27:16 CST 2006

Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Mark W sez that all we need to do is point to the new engines for 
> building standalones in the Rev install.

I just played with it but I can't get it to work. Mark's comments 
elsewhere say that the build process hasn't changed, but it sounds like 
we need to point the builder at the "Standaone" file inside the Runtime 
folder rather than at the IDE engine itself.

I tried that but no go. I kept getting the error "Can't open that file." 
I checked permissions, they are the same as the MC engine always was.

When I set a breakpoint to try and track down the problem, the variable 
watcher would not load any variables. Breakpoints would break but as 
soon as I started to step through, the next available error message in 
the script would appear and the script would exit. Depending on where I 
placed the breakpoint, different errors appeared. So I suspect the "not 
a real engine" error is spurious, but I don't know what's wrong yet, 
because debugging doesn't work.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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