switch from browser to pointer mode

Reinhold Venzl-Schubert r.venzl-schubert at t-online.de
Thu Feb 9 17:00:36 CST 2006


To show a messages I create a field "Message" in my script.
At that moment metacard switch from the browser-modus to the pointer- 
How can I avoid this or how can I switch back to the browser-modus in  
my script?

This is my script:

       create invisible fld "Message"
       set the height of fld "Message" to 50
       set the width of fld "Message" to 300
       set the threeD of fld "Message" to false
       set the bordercolor of fld "Message" to red
       put "This is my Message!" into fld "Message"
       set the textfont of fld "Message" to arial
       set the textsize of fld "Message" to 18
       set the textcolor of fld "Message" to red
       set the textheight of fld "Message" to 30
       unlock screen
       show fld "Message" with visual effect dissolve
       wait 0.5 second
       hide fld "Message" with visual effect dissolve
       delete fld "Message"
       lock screen


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