Displaying Stacks in Browsers

Bill Burman wdburman at frontiernet.net
Tue Aug 29 16:55:18 CDT 2006

>  >does anybody know of a way to display a
stack in a browser

Hello Ray

At UC Davis Med Ctr in Sacramento we are having some success running 
Metacard standalone stacks without any sort of Flash or other 
conversion - "as is" - over the hospital intranet and through a VPN 
over the internet using a Citrix  (instead of a standard web) server.

The client Metacard stacks are accessed thru Internet Explorer using 
a free ICA Web Client for Windows, Mac, Linux and Pocket PC (Win CE).


We only have experience with Windows ICA clients at the moment. I 
don't know what the Citrix server costs to buy and support, but a 
number of Citrix hosting services -
e.g. http://www.connectria.com/citrix.html. are available.

The MC stack looks and behaves the same way as if it were running 
from a CD or local hard drive. The MC stacks can open up MS Word, 
Excel, web browsers and other fully featured "helper" apps on Citrix 
server. The client Metacard stacks communicate with a web database on 
another WIN2K server running Apache, MySQL, PHP and Slim FTPd using 
liburl commands. Multiple users can run the same stacks 

It is very useful for updating and bug fixing the Metacard stacks 
which are uploaded to the Citrix server and made immediately 
available on all hospital workstations and for VPN internet access. 
We gave a demonstration of this at a meeting in Chicago last March 
pulling both the MC client stacks from the Citrix server and the data 
from Win2K web server in Sacramento, Ca. The difference in speed when 
we switched to MC stacks and a localhost database on the local hard 
drive was hardly noticeable.


Bill Burman, MD
HWB Foundation

>Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 16:13:02 -0400
>From: Ray Horsley <ray at linkitonline.com>
>Subject: Displaying Stacks in Browsers
>To: Discussions on Metacard <metacard at lists.runrev.com>
>Message-ID: <0819ff3f3ae425274751920a63f9fd8d at linkitonline.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
>It may sound a bit dreamy, but does anybody know of a way to display a
>stack in a browser for normal interactive use with the cgi processing
>the input?
>Ray Horsley
>Developer, LinkIt! Software

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