CGI with stacks question

Shari shari at
Sun Aug 20 15:08:32 CDT 2006

Can you do this:

In a standard Metacard stack in the CGI folder, have a handler, say:

on helloFriend
   #  blah blach
   ask "What's your name?"
   put it into theName
   answer "Do you like Red or Blue better?" with "Red" or "Blue"
   put it into theColor
   logFriend theName,theColor
end helloFriend

on logFriend theName,theColor
   # do something with the name
   # do something with the color
end logFriend

Then in a hello.cgi text file script:

on startup
  send helloFriend to pathToMetacardStackInCGIfolder
end startup

How extensive can the code be in the stack?

In other words, Metacard can do a lot.  But can the CGI version do 
the same?  Obviously a web page cannot be a program, so surely there 
are some sort of limitations?


Mac and Windows shareware games

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