Almost ready for RunRev...

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Aug 4 12:36:10 CDT 2006

Klaus Major wrote:

>> Been following this list regarding all Rev talk.  And one thing I hope 
>> gets ironed out before I'm ready to make the leap... is anybody 
>> successfully compiling standalones for Macintel yet?  There seemed to 
>> be some issues there.  Standalones not launching?
> No reply from the mothership yet...
> Or did the example stack of Mark help you solving the puzzle, Richard?

When Richard gets a free moment there will be progress. I am too swamped 
to deal with it right now. But it isn't really a problem for me because 
I've become very fond of the Rev standalone builder now. I prefer it.

> But you can of course use Revolution for building standalones, but then
> you will have to save your stack as "xyz.REV" to make it work.

No, you can open any stack without changing its extension. In the Open 
File dialog there is a popup menu which allows to open only Rev stacks 
(the default) or "any file". Choose the last option and it will open 

I'm not sure about the extension when building standalones; I haven't 
tried anything other than ".rev". But I routinely name all my stacks 
with ".rev" now because they work fine in MC and you can still drop them 
onto the app and they will open.

>> I will definitely be staying with the Metacard interface when I 
>> upgrade.  I like it's simplicity and easy overhead.
> Yeah, so do we! :-)

I find myself using both now. I prefer MC for all the basics -- 
particularly layout -- because I find Rev's property inspector to be too 
slow and non-intuitive. However, I like the Standalone Builder, the way 
the message box tells you the defaultstack, the list of pending messages 
on demand, that sort of thing. The list of handlers at the left of the 
script editor is also nice. So depending on what I'm doing, I use both. 
Between the two it is the best of both worlds. I appreciate the flexibility.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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