embedding objects and slowing the bu**ers down

Mathewson richmond at mail.maclaunch.com
Thu Jul 7 12:32:20 CDT 2005

First off I would like to point out that I am not concerned
with content delivery either to old buffers (har, har) or
to 'cough, cough, cough'.


It really doesn't matter (Richard Gaskin) whether one uses
fields or groups to the end-user: a 'good' programmer
should make a product that is 'transparent' to the end-user
insofar as the end-user should have no idea HOW the
end-result was achieved.

However (and this gets ugly!):

Scrolling fields are not much good beyond reffing images
using 'imageSource'.

However, thanks largely to a hint I found somewhere by
Jeanne devoto, there is a way to FAKE a scrolling text
field which is much more effective:


1. [this was forced on me by necessity when finding that
Bulgarian text went 'wonky' in text fields - see earlier
messages] convert the text into an image (log-winded and
majorly tedious); then import, select and group (i.e.a
GROUP containing ONLY the image file) and set up the group
with a nifty vertical scroll button.  Of course, within the
group, one can have all sorts of OBJECTs/CONTROLS: I favour
Images containing scripts to play videoClips and audioClips
myself. This also has the advantage that one doesn't need
to lie awake sweating at night (it is very HOT in Bulgaria
during July-August) whether Fred Flintstone has the font
"Choogie Boogie" installed on his computer.

2. Put your text into a non-scrolling field, align images,
button, movie-players and so forth where you want them in
the field, and group the whole lot: set up scroll bars on
the group and you are 'off': experience tells me that in
most cases you are completely 'off' as Fred Flintstone not
having the font "Choogie Boogie" on his system completely
mucks up the way you have aligned your objects in relation
to the text field inside the group.

Frankly, the 'imageSource' does not excite me very much;
but grouping 'everything' inside a scrolling group is a
"big turn on".

Sincerely, Richmond

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