Interim language guide solution

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Mon Sep 15 12:21:01 EDT 2003

Robert Brenstein wrote:

>>> Yes, but the latter is not quite correct. We may be expected to get a
>>> Rev license after July 2004 but we are not required, and some people
>>> may choose to continue without a valid license.
>> Even if you use the MC IDE, why pass up new engine features?  You can get
>> both formats of the license key if you wish; at the moment the Rev key is
>> sent by default, with the MC key sent on request.
> Sure, but each license renewal costs money, doesn't it? Not everyone
> can afford to spend it every year, particularly if new features are
> not compelling enough. My point was that we can't assume that each
> user will automatically renew and have active license at all times.

An IDE is, in essence, merely a property editor.  One can freeze their
development with any given version, but with so many features added to the
engine with each paid upgrade it's usually quite a bargain.  But either way,
I doubt the MC IDE alone will be the deciding factor for upgrading either

>>> Being able to modify for your own usage is one thing, but MC IDE is a
>>> parallel environment, to some degree "competing" with Rev IDE. WHat I
>>> mean is that MC IDE development is not exactly governed by normal
>>> end-user license as far as I see.
>> It can't "compete" by definition: the money you pay to for the engine goes
>> to one company, no matter which IDE you use, even one you built yourself.
>> On the extremely odd chance that the MC IDE had 90% of the Transcript
>> audience (instead of the opposite which is the case today) I'm sure Rev
>> would welcome sales of their product driven by an IDE it neither has to
>> support or maintain. ;)
> It "competes" not in money terms (this is why I put it in
> parenthesis) but as an alternative interface. The money may go into a
> single pocket, but the development/maintenance is done by different
> "company" (this open source group pro bono), so there is a legal
> dichotomy. And the point was that while end-user license applies to
> many things we deal with, MC IDE as a product is a bit different
> beast and one should automatically assume some things.

Such as?

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
 Ambassador at
 Tel: 323-225-3717                       AIM: FourthWorldInc

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