Open Source Licence (LGPL or GPL)

Robert Brenstein rjb at
Wed Sep 10 20:50:06 EDT 2003

>Robert Brenstein wrote:
>>  The only concern about PD I have is that it is just that: public
>>  domain. Anyone can take what we have and do whatever they want with
>>  it, including marketing it commercially. In other words, PD may be
>>  too a broad license. Do we care?
>Scott doesn't, and it's his baby.
>Anything I put into the IDE would be fair game.  If I need to protect
>something I'll just make a plug-in.
>Besides, it's only a risk to the degree that someone can get people to pay
>for something that's also freely available.
>And in this case it's even less likely to be an issue since the file frmat
>is proprietary and requires a license from Rev to use.
>  Richard Gaskin

Good point. I sort of forgot that one must buy Rev license in order 
to use the engine and MC IDE is just an alternative to Rev's own at 
that point.


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