Open Source Licence (LGPL or GPL)

David Bovill david at
Mon Sep 8 22:25:00 EDT 2003

Richard Gaskin wrote:
> David Bovill wrote:
>>The simple 
>>story is to use the LGPL if you may wish to distribute the open source
>>code with 'linked' libraries (read IDE or engine here) which is not GPL'd.
> Hmmm....  I had never considered including the Rev engine with the MC IDE
> distribution.  It would be convenient, given the dissection required for OS
> X, but in my mind it keeps everything clean and simple to distribute only
> the IDE.

It's more serious than that: if 'you' can't distribute the the MC IDE 
alongside the engine - then no-one can! Not on a CDROM or anything. The 
license preserves all rights and passes them down the chain intact - for 
better of for worse.

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