Type 2 error additional info

Shari gypsyware at earthlink.net
Fri May 30 21:17:01 EDT 2003

>Have you tried:
>1.  A fresh install of MC
>2.  Running with extensions turned off
>3.  Testing it in another OS and/or another computer
>4.  Running Macbus and getting a stdlog file
>Best regards,
>Mark Talluto

Metacard itself does not run on my computer with extensions off.  I 
am about to compile it on another computer (Windows) for additional 
testing, though this error only occurs in the stack.  My favorite 
beta tester and I are having some great go-arounds with this one.  He 
takes great pride in finding errors, and I take pride in preventing 
him from finding any :-)

Good idea to test the stack on his computer.  Now why didn't I think of that ??


Shari C
--Shareware Games for the Mac--

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