Installing MC at your ISP, a "How-To"

Sadhunathan Nadesan sadhu at
Thu May 29 13:36:00 EDT 2003

| Subject: Re: Installing MC at your ISP, a "How-To"
| Reply-To: metacard at
| I put the mc engine in /cgi-bin with the scripts and #!mc does it just 
| fine. Upload binary.
| Regards, Andu Novac

	Thank you for the kind words on the how-to.  

	Good answers Andu  :-)

	On the gentleman's other question regarding if it works on RH
	at home should it work on RH at my ISP?

	Most likely but it could possibly fail depending on the respective
	versions of the operating system.  There was something changed in
	how executables are built up, in earlier versus later versions
	of RH, and the shared libraries may be different as well.
	For example, MC 2.3 works fine on my (old) RH box at home
	running RH 6.2, but later versions .. maybe starting about 2.4.1
	(not sure) do not work anymore.  That is because Scott started
	compiling them on a newer version of RH (7.2 maybe?) and the
	binaries from the newer OS do not work on the older OS.

	But fortunately it seems this was not the case in this instance.
	Most ISP's would probably be 'up to date' along with Scott.

	One of these days I'll upgrade my home server - about the time
	I buy a new one.  It's so much easier to install a fresh OS on
	a clean box than try to upgrade.


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