Various Problems

Max Schafer schafer90029 at
Sat May 24 02:51:00 EDT 2003

Ken Ray <kray at> wrote:
Hi Ken, Thanks for taking the time and effort to help me out. Here is my responses to your responses. The locked CD problem has given me the biggest headaches.

> 1. Do you ever notice that popup menus that have more than 100 items
do not 
> return the selected item every time? Espectially items near the bottom
of the 
> list? Any workarounds? 

No, actually, I hadn't. Are these menus of type 'popup' (that is, not
'option' or 'pulldown')? If so, do you get no 'menuPick' message, or do
you get one but the button label doesn't update?

Response: The itemed that is returned is a different item near the beginning of the list I didn't select. 

> 2. Do you ever notice that printing a second page can sometimes
interrupt the 
> printing of the first page? I did not see a "Wait until the printing
is done "
> command. Is there one?

Not that I'm aware of. Is this a two-card stack that you're printing
(i.e. a single 2-page print job) or two separate cards (i.e. 2 separate
print jobs)?

Response: two separate cards. I had to put in a 50 second wait to insure that the first card prints out completely. Supercard has a "Wait until the printing is done" command, I believe. Metacard doesn't

> 3. Do you ever notice that copying and pasting an icon for a file or
> is easy on the Mac, just pasting into the "Get Info" box? Isn't there
an easy 
> way to do it on Windows?

Well, it depends. If you're doing it manually, you can change the icon
of an executable through the Properties window. In Windows XP, you can
also do that with folders, but files get their icons from the Registry
based on their file association to an executable, so you really can't
change it.

Response: So how do people usually add icons to Metacard applications? Is it easy? What and where is the registry?


> 4. Do you ever notice that unlocked files on the CD turn to locked
files even 
> after you drag them to the hard disk? (I know there is a Shell()
> but it doesn't work on Windows ME. I just cannot find a workaround. 

The shell command with 'attrib -r' does work in ME; perhaps you have a
file path with spaces in it? For example, I have a file on the "C:"
drive called "test.txt". When I do this;

on mouseUp
set the hideConsolewindows to true
get shell("attrib -r c:\test.txt")
end mouseUp

It works to change the read only flag. However, if I move it to the "My
Documents" folder, you have to use quotes around the filename because it
includes spaces:

on mouseUp
set the hideConsolewindows to true
get shell("attrib -r " & quote & "c:\My Documents\test.txt" & quote)
end mouseUp

Response: I tested both versions of the commands seperately on a Windows ME machine. The app crashed both times. I had to take out the command completely. It was difficult, because it was my last and best option for solving this problem. (Richard G recommended adding an installer program to avoid the problem, but my publisher nixed the idea as being to time consuming to beta test.)

Thanks again. Max
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