Web programming tools

Tuviah M Snyder diskot123 at juno.com
Sat May 3 22:42:01 EDT 2003

><script language="xTalk">
>on zoomIn
>repeat with i = 1 to the number of images on this page
>set the width of image i to the width of image i * 2
>set the height of image i to the height of image i * 2
>end repeat
>end ZoomIn
This would be an order of magnitude more difficult than even writing
something like a MC plugin, which is essentially MC working in a sandbox,
or possibly another very limited OS.  MC has a bunch of predefined
objects, with predefined properties. The language is designed to work
with these objects. To get something like this working MC would have to
be able to address every element on a web page, and be able to handle
things like forms, cookies, cgis, ect.

Just out of interest:

What types of applications would people run inside a browser if there was
a MC plugin?
How many websites actually used SuperCard's roadster? What were the
limitations of Roadster, and why didn't it satiate the need for a Windows
version of SC?


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