Web programming tools (Dan Shafer)

Dan Shafer dan at eclecticity.com
Fri May 2 22:15:01 EDT 2003

You can escape from the ugliness of browser UIs at least three ways, none of which, unfortunately, involves RR/MC:

1. Use Java applets.
2. Use Flash.
3. Use Jython to create applets.

Nos. 1 and 3 are similar except that 1 requires you to learn Java (which is hard) and 3 relies on Python (which is easy; in fact, I think it is at least as easy as Transcript, maybe easier, and is fully object-oriented).

>| > I am SO interested in hearing what other people think.  Even though
>| > the browser is a lousy UI, the world has come to accept it, so, the
>| > client is aways right, eh?
>| Depends on what you're doing with it:
>| <http://www.fourthworld.com/embassy/articles/netapps.html>
>Hi Richard,
>Yes, I have read your paper, very nice.
>At least for our clients, it doesn't seem to matter that we could
>build a much better mousetrap by escaping the browser, but someday
>I hope that net enabled aps like MC/RR gain more accpetance.  Right
>now they say they just want to be able to go into an Internet cafe
>anywhere on the planet and access their stuff, in the familiar way
>they are used to.  sigh.
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