Web programming tools

Alain Farmer alain_farmer at yahoo.com
Thu May 1 16:41:01 EDT 2003

Hello Dan Shafer, Mr X, and y'all.
> Yeah, I know a couple of people who are very happy
> with PHPNuke. I prefer Zope because I prefer Python
> to PHP, but conceptually, a Content Management
> System like one of these can be a really useful
> thing.

What do you think of Xoops ?

The R&D center that I work for, the LCA, has developed
an open source platform based on Xoops. Xoops is a
plug and play architecture with many modules,
including one for BLOG-ging, and another by RedHat for
sophisticated content management. We added to this
phpBB (for forums) and a custom-made technology-watch
module. It has been thoroughly tested, debugged, and
it is currently in use. 

More to the point for this list, this platform is open
source, it's available free of charge, and we will be
hosting a community-of-practice to evolve it further.

Even more to the point for this list, we are currently
prototyping a 'middleware' which will 'bridge' between
MetaCard and the above platform ("Col-et-Gram") via
XML RPC. In plain english, this means that MC will
interact directly with web-based content-management
systems (and such) via XML. The XML-RPC stuff is
already available to us, btw, because an XML-RPC
module is already bundled in Xoops.

What do y'all think of this potential 'bridge' between
MetaCard and the de-facto XML/PHP/SQL stuff? Is it
worth pursuing further? How strong is the demand for
this type of capabilities? If we build up, will you

Waiting for replies,

Alain Farmer

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