Moving the MC IDE forward

Robert Brenstein rjb at
Mon Jul 21 09:29:01 EDT 2003

>I have a library of custom handlers that I load at startup in both 
>MC and Rev. One of my handlers reports the mainstacks that are 
>currently loaded in memory. When I run this handler in MC, there are 
>at most only a couple of stacks from the IDE listed, but in Rev, it 
>is difficult to find my own stacks among the dozens that Rev 
>maintains. When I get around to it, I will customize my handler to 
>remove all the "rev" stacks before displaying the results, but at 
>that moment the extra info was intrusive. I can't remove these 
>stacks from Rev (nor do I want to) because they are necessary to its 
>functioning. A somewhat parallel example is the number of custom 
>messages that are constantly being sent in the background by Rev. I 
>know I can view a modified list of pending messages from within the 
>message box, but since MC sends no custom messages in the background 
>at all, MC's IDE translates to the user as "cleaner." And again, 
>these custom messages can't be removed from the program.


>Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
>HyperActive Software           |

This may not be critical for many applications but it may for some. I 
wonder, for example, how those extra messages flying behind affect 
using Rev as a cgi on a web server? Similarly, how the timing issues 
are affected for, for example, psychology experiments that measure 
reaction times? I gather than some of these msgs continue to fly in 
standalones as well.


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