Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Thu Jul 10 13:09:00 EDT 2003

Shari wrote:

> I wonder if I should bombard Kevin with the anomalies I've had to
> find workarounds for... such as random(0) = 1

Under what circumstances would random(0) be expected to provide a useful
result?  Why not save the clock cycles by using 0 directly?

> and that the Mac menubar won't update when you hide/show btns in it,
> unless you click outside the stack and back in... I had to come up
> with a really klutzy workaround for that one.

Does calling "lock menus" before the menu update and "unlock menus"
afterward fix the issue?

> Or that sometimes front/backscripts disappear, presumably something
> in a MC written handler resets them, deleting mine.  So on resume
> stack, I have to reset them....

I've been using frontscripts and backscripts extensively since they
premiered in SuperCard in '97.  I've found the MC implementation to be the
smartest yet, and very robust.  Could there be some other factor affecting

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
 Ambassador at
 Tel: 323-225-3717                       AIM: FourthWorldInc

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