Script Limits

Robert Brenstein rjb at
Fri Aug 8 08:14:06 EDT 2003

>Robert Brenstein wrote:
>>  That is a nice approach if switching scripts was to support multiple
>>  functionality. However, it will not work if the 'set script' is used
>>  to update a distributed stack to a new version or fix a bug without
>>  having to replace the whole stack.
>Not necesarily.  After all, the MC 2.5 engine still runs great so there's no
>reason an updater couldn't be made with the current engine.
>Or you could use a frontscript tp trap and reroute messages as needed.
>Fortunately none of this seems likely to be necessary:  with a near 100%
>consensus against this move I'd be surprised if the proposal is enacted.
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Media Corporation
>  Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site

Richard, what you suggest are all workabouts. And the fact that this 
groups is 100% against the change does not mean it will not go into 
effect. This issue barely caused a blink on Rev list and that is 
where majority of Rev users are. We are soon to be a true minority 
and our interest in retaining MC as it was will make us dinosaurs :(


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