Tips for code porting to MC

Dar Scott dsc at
Tue Oct 29 12:10:00 EST 2002

On Tuesday, October 29, 2002, at 08:18 AM, xbury.cs at 

> Im looking for tips regarding porting variable redirection (pointers and
> pointers to pointers)
> and c-style struct variables.

I wouldn't ignore arrays, but I have been considering substructure in 
strings.  MC stings are byte strings and it might be that same-size char 
chunk replacements are efficient.  If so, you can create a data space 
within a string in a global variable.  I'd run the experiment, anyway.

Or you might try a mix in which some data are packed in strings and 
others are not, in which some pointers are implemented as arrays and 
some are implemented as string offsets.  This might be better if strings 
are always rebuilt.

Dar Scott

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