Stack icons fixed

Shari gypsyware at
Fri Nov 8 04:55:01 EST 2002

My theory was correct.

Every single time you save a stack, in order to preserve the icon, 
you must set the stackFileType before you save it.

Make sure that your standalone has icon resources for the icon, and a 
bundle resource for your standalone and stack icons.

APPL - standalone icons
MSTK - stack icons

Then from within the standalone, EVERY SINGLE TIME you save a stack, 
such as a stack that saves data, preferences, user info, high scores, 

set the stackFileType to "xxxxMSTK"
save stack theStack

xxxx is your creator code

Setting it once when you launch is not enough.  You must set it 
before saving, in every handler that calls a "save stack"
--Shareware Games for the Mac--

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