Movie synching

Mark Talluto fuegox at
Wed May 8 23:04:01 EDT 2002

On Wednesday, May 8, 2002, at 03:56  PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> On 5/8/02 5:52 PM, erik hansen wrote:
>> for OSX, can you copy & re-edit the movie with a
>> tweaked starting point?
> Yeah, I did that, but I'd rather not have to support two versions of 
> the movie if I can help it.
> Does anyone know where I could ask about this? It isn't really an MC 
> question, I just knew there were some heavy-duty multimedia folks here 
> who might know the answer. I've searched Apple's knowledge base with no 
> luck, but of course, that's hardly unusual.

My guess is that it is one of the handful of bugs that exists in QT 5.  
I am hoping that QT 6 fixes these.  This should be out no later than 
August according to Apple.

-Mark Talluto

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