Embedded mt scripts [WAS Re: Text editors]

jbv jbv.silences at club-internet.fr
Wed May 1 12:08:01 EDT 2002

J. Landman Gay a écrit:

> But I was only looking for a way to generate
> dynamic content within an existing html page without re-generating the
> entire page. I did try an mt script that re-created entire html
> documents, but ran into permission problems on the server; cgis run as
> "nobody" and "nobody" didn't have permission to write to my web
> directory. I suppose there are ways around that, but I wasn't able to do it.
> What I really wanted was just a way to insert either text or html code
> into an existing document so that a small part of it was dynamic. The
> "object" and "iframe" tags do that. I think you are right that it only
> works within the contraints of html, but for simple dynamic content that
> can be enough. It also has the advantage that it doesn't require that
> the browser have java or javascript enabled. I often turn off both those
> capabilities, for security or privacy reasons.

yes, iframe tag allows  to have dynamic contents in an HTML page and to
modify it on-the-fly, even with a cgi request, and it's supported by most
recent browsers.

For smaller chunks of data, you can also try innerText (within a table) or
innerHTML (when using CSS).
Of course, javascript has to be turned on to use these options.

IMHO turning Javascript off is not a really good idea, because it also
turns off a wide range of possibilities for dynamic content in HTML
pages. The combination of javascript + CSS and cgi requests can produce
mindblowing web pages.
Trying to find an HTML-only solution might lead to severe headaches
(and no satisfying solution) : I know coz I already tried...


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