Midi xcmds

FMoyer at aol.com FMoyer at aol.com
Fri Jul 5 23:01:01 EDT 2002

I can't wait! Thanks.

Fred Moyer

In a message dated 7/5/02 9:01:04 PM, kurtkaufman at hotmail.com writes:

> > You must have missed the discussion with Scott about this on the
> > HyperCard list -- the short answer is, "no". The long answer is: it
> > could be done if someone were willing to learn the MIDI file format
> > write the script-to-binary translations. Also, the main requirement
> > that the person who tackles this project must be intrepid. :)
>I don't know how intrepid I am, but I have written some script-to-binary
>MIDI translation routines for Runtime Revolution.  Note that at this 
>time these are used in static, or "step-time" MIDI event entry (via a 
>custom GUI), and do not access MIDI data external to RunRev (file or 
>stream).  However, MIDI files thus produced are compatible with the 
>Standard MIDI 1.0 spec. and can be "played" by MIDI sequencers and 
>devices. Once we have these routines incorporated into RunRev, I'll post
>an announcement to this list as well.
>-Kurt Kaufman

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