Midi xcmds

Kurt Kaufman kurtkaufman at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 5 21:03:02 EDT 2002

 > You must have missed the discussion with Scott about this on the
 > HyperCard list -- the short answer is, "no". The long answer is: it
 > could be done if someone were willing to learn the MIDI file format and
 > write the script-to-binary translations. Also, the main requirement is
 > that the person who tackles this project must be intrepid. :)

I don't know how intrepid I am, but I have written some script-to-binary 
MIDI translation routines for Runtime Revolution.  Note that at this 
time these are used in static, or "step-time" MIDI event entry (via a 
custom GUI), and do not access MIDI data external to RunRev (file or 
stream).  However, MIDI files thus produced are compatible with the 
Standard MIDI 1.0 spec. and can be "played" by MIDI sequencers and 
devices. Once we have these routines incorporated into RunRev, I'll post 
an announcement to this list as well.

-Kurt Kaufman

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