MC front-ends to PostgreSQL and Oracle 7.3 to 9i

Pierre Sahores psahores at
Sat Dec 14 09:54:01 EST 2002

Allo Friends,

For the ones using Oracle or PostgreSQL backend databases (unix hosted)
and wants to drive them from within mc apps, without to be sure about
the way to do it, just adapt the next script example to your needs
(replace "psql" with "sqlplus" to link an Oracle server).

>   put "" into DbAuteurs
>   get shell("echo" && quote & "select distinct auteur__ from citations order by auteur__" && quote && "| psql -h localhost citalis")
>   repeat for each line l in line 3 to -3 of it
>     put word 1 to -1 of l & return after DbAuteurs
>   end repeat

It's probably the fastest and most secure way we can use to get the best
from both mc and postgres, without any supplementary middleware need,
alike dedicated c, php, perl and soo on libraries, nor odbc drivers or
expensive and slow "marketing toys"...

Have fun ;-)
Cordialement, Pierre Sahores

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