Field Keyboard Functions

FMoyer at FMoyer at
Thu Dec 5 14:46:01 EST 2002

I want to port from Hypercard to Metacard a set of easy keyboard shortcuts to 
move the cursor around and select text in a field. They require the left hand 
to press combinations of shift, ctrl and option (note: I use a Mac) and the 
right hand to press "H", "J","K","L",";" or "I".

Some scripts are working fine, but others aren't. For example, I cannot trap 
ctrl-option-J. In fact, when I press ctrl-option-J, the text at the end of 
the line that I'm on disappears and some hidden something-or-other(?) is 
added to the end of the field. If I press ctrl-option-J or similar (ctrl-J, 
shift-ctrl-J, shift-ctrl-option-j) over and over, the computer crashes. 

My script is:

on controlkeydown what
  put the shiftkey into s
  put the optionkey into o
  if what is in "HJKLI:;" then
    case "J"
      if s is down then
        if o is down then
          -- script to select text back a word
          -- script to move cursor back a word
        end if
        if o is down then
          -- script to select text back a character
          -- script to move cursor back a character
        end if    
      end if
    case "K"

Any ideas what might be going wrong?

And if any intrepid souls want to test it: try pressing over and over a 
random combination of: ctrl-j, ctrl-option-j, shift-ctrl-j, 
shift-ctrl-option-j. Does your computer crash? Or is it just my computer? I'm 
using OS9. It crashes when I'm running either version 2.4.3 or version 2.5A8.

Fred Moyer

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