Dumb sort question

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Wed Dec 4 15:15:01 EST 2002

On 12/4/02 12:26 PM, jbv wrote:

> But how can I sort a variable featuring 4 lines with several
> hundreds of items in each, so that (for instance) items of
> line 4 are sorted numeric ascending, and (that's important)
> items of other lines being moved according to the new
> position of each item of line 4 ?
> For instance :
>     line 1 :    b,d,c,a
>     line 2 :    2,4,3,1
> after sorting line 2, the content would become :
>     line 1 :    a,b,c,d
>     line 2 :    1,2,3,4
> I have the feeling this can't be done in MC, while I remember
> doing it in OMO using the spreadsheet control...

You can do pretty much anything in MC. In this case, you can use a 
custom function to sort the data.

> P.S. I need to do it FAST on large variables, therefore a repeat
> loop won't do.

The following works for me with very short lists. It does have a repeat 
loop in it, so you'd have to see if it is fast enough for your needs. It 
could probably be optimized better.

local theOldOrder,theNewOrder

on dosort
   put fld 1 into theData
   put line 1 of theData into theOldOrder -- or whatever is the key line
   put theOldOrder into theNewOrder
   sort items of theNewOrder ascending numeric
   put theNewOrder & return into theNewData
   delete line 1 of theData
   repeat for each line l in theData
     sort items of l by mySort(each,l,theOldOrder,theNewOrder)
     put l & return after theNewData
   end repeat
   put theNewData into fld 2
end dosort

function mySort theItem,theLine
   set wholematches to true
   put itemoffset(theItem,theLine) into theItemNum
   put item theItemNum of theOldOrder into theOriginalItem
   put itemoffset(theOriginalItem,theNewOrder) into theNewPos
   return theNewPos
end mySort

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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