
erik hansen erikhans08 at
Tue Apr 30 18:00:01 EDT 2002

is there a way to program individual  musical
notes in MC?

3 rows of 16 fields. each either empty or "X"

on polyRhythm
  put bg fld "Tempo" into theTempo
  repeat with i = 1 to 16
    if NOT (cd fld i is empty) then play         
       "flute"  tempo theTempo "60s"
    if NOT (cd fld (i+16) is empty) then play   /

        "harpsichord" tempo theTempo "64s"
    if NOT (cd fld (i+32) is empty) then play   /
       "beep" tempo theTempo "67s"
  end repeat
end polyRhythm

this produces neither a sound nor a sound nor an
error message.

"play " is for backward compatability, replaced
by "start".  they are to start audio or video
does anyone have a way to start or play a series
of  musical notes in the play "flute" tempo 2000

thanks, erik

erik at       

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