Interarchy for PC?

Mark Luetzelschwab luetzm at
Thu Apr 18 04:17:05 EDT 2002

Thanks Andu, Chipp, Michael,

I'm really not sure what a "radio lan" is..I asked for more 
clarification on that point to see if it was the actual company or 
just a wireless ethernet.

Chipp, I'd be interested in chasing down that satellite issue - we 
can talk off list about it.  I'm going to try a standard wireless 
ethernet connection some point next week to make sure that those work 
(can't really see why not).

Andu - I'm still looks promising..does 
this ring a bell?

Thanks again..I'll post if I find anything.


>Message: 1
>Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 12:50:24 -0500
>To: metacard at
>From: Mark Luetzelschwab <luetzm at>
>Subject: Interarchy for PC?
>Reply-To: metacard at
>I have a user in England for one of my MC products who is using a
>radio lan and a PC to connect to the internet. The first call of the
>MC program is to download a web page into memory. This call fails,
>but the user can view the same page using a web browser.
>Is there a tool like Interarchy for the PC that I could have this
>person use to monitor the difference between the browser's request
>and MC's request?
>Or, does anyone know how a "radio lan" might be affecting this?


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