File listing

Klaus Major kmajor at
Thu Apr 4 06:00:01 EST 2002

Hi David,

> Getting a list of the files in the same directory as the running 
> standalone, via a script, is a snap ("get the files"). How could I get 
> a listing of the files in a different directory? I've tried the obvious 
> (get the files of directoryPath, get the files of directory xxx, etc.)
> Thanks,
> Dave

you have to set the directory to the appropriate directory to get the 

Try this workaround:

on xxx
   put the directory into olddir ## store the original dir
   set the directory to "s:/ome/far/away/directory"
   put the files into remote_files
   ## do your file-stuff here...
   set the directory to olddir
end xxx

Hope this helps...


Klaus Major
kmajor at

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